How to Reheat Steak in Microwave Oven

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To reheat steak in a microwave, place it on a microwave-safe dish and heat on medium power for 90 seconds. Check the warmth and continue in 30-second intervals until the desired temperature is reached.

Reheating steak can be tricky, as you want to preserve its juiciness and flavor without overcooking it. Microwaving is a quick method, but it requires attention to detail to avoid a tough, rubbery meal. The key is using moderate heat and short intervals, ensuring the steak warms evenly.

Covering the steak with a damp paper towel helps retain moisture, making the meat more tender. By following these steps, you can enjoy a succulent steak that tastes nearly as good as when it was first cooked. Remember, patience is essential to keep the reheating process from diminishing the quality of your steak.

How to Reheat Steak in Microwave Oven


Selecting The Right Container

Steak lovers know the importance of reheating steak properly. The container you choose can make a big difference. Let’s ensure your steak remains juicy and delicious.

Microwave-safe Options

Choosing the right microwave-safe container is crucial. Glass or ceramic dishes work best for reheating steak in a microwave. These materials can withstand high heat without affecting your steak’s flavor or texture. Use a microwave-safe lid or cover with a paper towel to keep the moisture in.

  • Glass dishes – They don’t absorb microwave energy, so your steak heats evenly.
  • Ceramic containers – Similar to glass, they provide even heating.

Avoiding Metal And Plastic

Never use metal containers or utensils in a microwave. They can spark and cause a fire. Plastic can melt or release harmful chemicals into your steak. Stick to microwave-safe options for the best results.

  • Metal – Causes sparks and is a fire hazard.
  • Plastic – Might melt and can release toxins.

Prepping The Steak For Reheating

Reheating steak in a microwave can be tricky. Proper preparation ensures the meat stays juicy and delicious. Let’s get your steak ready for a quick and tasty warm-up.

Cutting To Size

Size matters when reheating steak. Large pieces take longer, often drying out the edges before the center warms. Here’s how to cut your steak for even reheating:

  • Let the steak sit at room temperature for a few minutes.
  • Use a sharp knife to cut the steak into even slices.
  • Slices should be no more than half an inch thick for best results.

Adding Moisture

Moisture is the secret to a juicy reheated steak. Follow these steps to lock in the flavors:

  1. Place the steak slices on a microwave-safe plate.
  2. Drizzle a tablespoon of broth or water over the steak.
  3. Cover the plate with a damp paper towel to trap steam.

This method helps your steak stay moist and tender during the reheating process.

Microwave Settings And Time

Getting your steak reheated perfectly in a microwave involves knowing the right settings and time. This guide will help you understand how to select the correct power levels and how long to heat your steak to ensure it remains juicy and delicious.

Choosing Power Levels

Using the right power level is crucial for reheating steak in a microwave. Most microwaves come with multiple power settings, ranging from low to high. For steak, it’s best to use a medium power level. This prevents the steak from cooking further while ensuring it heats thoroughly.

  • Low (30% power) – Use for gentle reheating.
  • Medium (50% power) – Ideal for reheating steak.
  • High (100% power) – Avoid using as it can overcook the steak.

Determining Duration

The duration for which you reheat your steak depends on the thickness and size of the piece. Here’s a simple guideline to follow:

Steak Thickness Reheating Time
1/2 inch 45 seconds
1 inch 1 minute 10 seconds
1.5 inches or more 1 minute 30 seconds

Always check the steak halfway through reheating. Add more time in small increments if needed.

How to Reheat Steak in Microwave Oven


Reheating Techniques

Steaks are a favorite for many, but reheating them can be tricky. The microwave oven offers a quick solution. To ensure a juicy steak, follow these reheating techniques.

Covering For Even Cooking

Steaks need moisture to stay tender. Before microwaving, cover your steak. Use a microwave-safe dish and cover it with a damp paper towel. This traps steam and prevents drying out. A microwave-safe plastic cover also works well. Leave a small vent for excess steam. This method ensures even cooking.

Flipping For Uniform Warmth

Halfway through the reheating time, flip your steak. This promotes uniform warmth. Use tongs to avoid burns. Check the steak’s temperature. Aim for 165°F for safety. Flipping helps avoid overcooking edges while the center gets warm.

Remember to let the steak rest for a minute after reheating. This allows heat to distribute. Your steak will be more enjoyable.

Safety And Quality Checks

Ensuring your steak reheats safely and deliciously requires attention to detail. Let’s dive into the best practices for warming up your steak in the microwave without sacrificing quality or safety.

Temperature Guidelines

Steaks should be reheated to an internal temperature of 165°F. This kills any potential bacteria. Use a meat thermometer to check the temperature at the thickest part of the steak. Here’s a quick guide:

Steak Thickness Approx. Time in Microwave Internal Temp. Check
1 inch 1 minute 165°F
1.5 inches 1.5 minutes 165°F
2 inches 2 minutes 165°F

Avoiding Overcooking

To prevent overcooking, heat your steak in short intervals. Start with 30 seconds on medium power. Check the warmth, then continue in 20-second bursts. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

  • Place steak on a microwave-safe dish.
  • Set microwave to 50% power.
  • Heat for 30 seconds, then pause.
  • Touch steak to test warmth.
  • Repeat in 20-second intervals if needed.
  • Let steak rest for a minute before serving.

Remember to keep the steak covered with a microwave-safe lid or damp paper towel. This locks in moisture and ensures even reheating.

Serving And Pairing

After reheating steak in a microwave oven, serve it right for a delightful experience. The right sides and sauces can turn a simple reheated steak into a gourmet meal. Let’s dive into the best ways to serve and pair your reheated steak for maximum enjoyment.

Resting Before Serving

Always let your steak rest after microwaving. This allows juices to redistribute. Resting time depends on steak size. Aim for three to five minutes before slicing. This ensures a juicy, tender bite every time.

Sides And Sauces

Choose sides and sauces that complement your steak’s flavor. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Starchy Sides: Roasted potatoes, garlic mashed potatoes, or a simple baked potato.
  • Vegetables: Steamed asparagus, glazed carrots, or a fresh salad.
  • Sauces: Creamy peppercorn, mushroom gravy, or a classic béarnaise.

Pair with a bold red wine to elevate your meal. Remember, the right pairings make all the difference!

How to Reheat Steak in Microwave Oven


Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Way To Reheat Steak In The Microwave?

To reheat steak in the microwave, place it on a microwave-safe dish. Cover with a damp paper towel to retain moisture. Use a low-power setting, heating in 30-second intervals, checking frequently to avoid overcooking.

How To Keep Steak From Drying Out In The Microwave?

To prevent steak from drying out in the microwave, cover it with a damp paper towel, use a low power setting, and heat it in short intervals, checking frequently.

How Do You Keep Meat Moist When Reheating In The Microwave?

To keep meat moist when reheating in the microwave, cover it with a damp paper towel, use a low power setting, and heat in short intervals, checking frequently.

How To Make Leftover Steak Tender?

To make leftover steak tender, gently reheat it using low heat. Add a bit of broth or water to retain moisture. Cover the pan to steam and soften the steak. Avoid high heat to prevent toughening. Serve immediately after reheating for best texture.


Reheating steak in the microwave doesn’t have to be daunting. By following the steps outlined, you’ll enjoy a juicy, flavorful meal in minutes. Remember, timing is key and moisture is your friend. For more kitchen tips and tricks, keep following our blog.

Happy reheating!

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